My favourite scene

Monday, 25 May 2015

Foto 1 jackson

Foto 2 jackson

Foto 3 jackson

A different Saint George's Story

It was a normal day in the kingdom of Noxus, and all the people was waiting for the votes of the mayor of Noxus. In the kingdom lives a big dragon that always is hungry and the dragon have to eat every four months and every four months the people sacrifice a person who can defeat the dragon and end the sacrifices once and for all. 
Then the day of the voting to choose the future mayor of the kingdom, the dragon came to ask for food. One of the candidates to mayor, that was the favorite, was so angry with the dragon. He goes to him and he pick up a sword of the best iron of the kingdom that cut all types of things.
When the candidate was in front of the dragon, he leaves the site running away of there. The dragon started to chase him, and then the dragon eats him, and his hunger was uncontrolled, and then the dragon started to destroy the kingdom, but suddenly appeared a superhero, that his name was super cheese and his partner was super cheese!!!
They stopped the catastrophe and save the kingdom of Noxus. There were the new superheroes of the kingdom that will keep on safe the kingdom.

The End

Monday, 13 April 2015

Washington DC

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Little love story

Approached on February 14th and I had not bought a gift for my girlfriend.

I decided to go the port with my friend and buy a perfume at a store.
Valentine's Day was already, I was excited.
I went to the town where my girlfriend lived, was about 40 minutes of my city.
When I saw her, congratulated her and gave her gift, the thanked me with a big smile and gave me mine, I thought it was a joke on her part and I started laugh, she asked: Why are you laughing? This is your gift, took it please.
I could not believe it, but I took it and told her: thanks with a fake smile.
It was a box of gum (Trident gum), and as expected I went at my cousin’s house, I was a little upset and disappointed.
My cousin tried to justify her, but for me it was not enough and I gave her the box of gum.
When she opened it she said, is beautiful! Because inside the box there wasn't gum, was a little necklace.
I took it and I return with my girlfriend, I told with tears in my eyes, to forgive me for being so silly, and she said: I just wanted it was a very original way to give your gift, but trust me, it was never my intention to disappoint.
She hug me strongly while our tears fell.
I had never experienced anything like that day, I realized completely that I loved her more than ever.